Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry

We believe that dental work does not have to be anxiety-producing or needlessly painful. In our office we use "conscious sedation" techniques when necessary, with the goal to perform dental procedures with minimal pain, discomfort and anxiety for the patient.

From dental phobia to dental surgery, there are many reasons patients elect or need conscious dental sedation. For example, we might implement conscious sedation and make a patient drowsy (and relaxed) by administering a drug to manage his anxiety about visiting the dentist or nervousness about a procedure; this can also be helpful for those who find it difficult to sit still, have a low pain threshold or strong gag reflexes.

With conscious sedation, patients are given just enough sedation to relax and sit quietly and comfortably; There are different types of modalities and products used for conscious sedation including nitrous oxide ("laughing gas") and oral sedatives. Whichever type of sedation dentistry is right for you and your unique dental needs will be discussed with you prior to your appointment or during your visit as needed.

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